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AWES Topologies

There will be no ultimate end story on this topic, but a first level objective is to describe what is known. When more comes to light, then summaries will be invited to be edited. An AWES consists of an anchor set, tether set, wing set, power take-off set; the combine of the sets are placed in a media, say water or air or mostly some fluid-like substance. There are many practical purposes for AWES; e.g. production of electricity for others to use, pull objects, lift objects, rotate objects, transport objects, give support for aerial activities, hold objects aloft to fulfill needs, ...

Tentative topology indicator: {mA, nT, pW, qP, comment} for ordered 5-tuple designation with A for anchors, T for tethers, W wings, P for PTO specification, and "comment" for helpful description notes to identify the topology and some practical purpose for the PTO resultant energies, and perhaps a title. The m, n, p, and q are positive integers. This indicator system is a tentative working suggestion; we await maturation in the AWES community for some system to designate topologies.  PTO is power take-off system; a D for default PTO will be suppressed, unless some energy in the default PTO is pointedly purposed to serve some specified practical purpose.  Notice that an anchor in an AWES may be a wing giving resistance to opposing wings in the wing set W.  We will suppress detail bridling of a wing unless in "comment" such is core matter to be described, else we leave bridling-of-wing lines to those skilled in the art to complete in a built system.

  •  One anchor, one tether, one wing; the tether meets the wing's bridle; PTO: lift mass of the wing and tether during the flight period; produce default heat, noise, passive control from gusts, static electricity, light, electromagnetic noise, wear, elastic cycles, etc. Such default (D) PTO may serve some practical purpose, but we need not rehearse such D unless specific use is made of such energies (say radar marking of a air space was wanted, or visual air space marking).  A name might be given to this topology. {1A, 1T, 1W, D, Simple conventional "kite" system.} or more briefly as an ordered 5-tuple: {1, 1, 1, D, CK}.  That is, if "CK" was understood commonly as the iconic conventional simple wing on a string as introduced commonly throughout recreational history while tolerating some assumptions.
  • [[Next: {?, ?, ?, ?, ?} ]] 

PTO method codes (Notice that an AWES topology might hold more than one PTO system; e.g., an AWES might hold both aloft PTO and a ground-based PTO)

v  D: default conversions from profile drag, tension oscillations, resonant vibrations, static electricity, induced drag, ...

v  Flying electric generator  with non-flying anchor set (electricity transmission from aloft generation would be designated; the load might be aloft; the load might be off the AWES and transmitted by laser, light, cabled electricity to remote load, microwave, noise, heat, chemicals, charged batteries, compressed gases, pressurized liquids, pounding, turning,   ...)

o   Driven by HAWT

o   Driven by VAWT

o   Driven by drag-based chutes on loop

o   Piezoelectric materials

o   Solar-energy conversion

v  Free-Flying energy converters with flying anchor set (FFAWE)

o   Free-flying tetherless systems (gliders, sailplanes, IFO)

o   Free-flying tethered systems

o   RATs on powered aircraft

v   Ground-based electric generator

o   Driven by reeling method.

o   Driven by line loop.

o   Driven by levered pumping

o   Driven by line-tension oscillation


v  Flying non-electric works by mechanical motions (moving things, grinding things, cutting things, pulling things, pushing things, turning things, compressing gases, ...

v  Ground-based non-electric works by way of mechanical motion of tethers upon objects (lever-based works, pulling, cutting, grinding, lifting, turning things, compressing gases, pushing things, rubbing, pressurizing confined liquids, heating objects, drilling, pounding,  ...

Teasing links

Posts in AWES forum

Tasks related to this folder

·         [ ]   Find similarity cases. Study them.  

·         [ ]   Examine how the classification project might inform topologies hereon.

·         [ ]   Have the discussion affect the construction of this folder's texts and arrangement.

·         [ ]   Link applications for AWES

·         [ ]   Link KiteTypes    wiki    and  group

·         [ ]   Link wing types  wiki/Wing

·         [ ]   Link Line Encyclopedia

·         [ ]   Link tether folders

·         [ ]   Link anchor folders

·         [ ]   Link generator folders

·         [ ]   Link KitePatents group

·         [ ]   How will zome, dome, arch, array, mesh, stacking of domes, stacking of arches, types of arches, trees, branches, roots, clusters, coteries, groups     come into the topologies?

·         [ ]   Ask each member of the AWE community to consider advancing this taxonomic effort. Is their system represented?

·         [ ]  

·         [ ]  

Notes along the way ...

·         Default PTO:  Wings and tether and anchor interact with the media and slow the media; the amount of energy difference of the media forms a default story. When specific PTO is built into the AWES, then those specific reactions that slow the media will consist of further story.   The default story is significant but often suppressed. Maturing discussion on this matter is invited.

·         We suppress the bridling of wings and leave such to the specific design's requirements.


·         How does the challenge of AWES topologies differ from results being obtained in the AWES Classification Project?

·         v

Let us know you and your interests.
News, notes, documents, files:  Editor@UpperWindpower.com
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