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This page is:   http://www.energykitesystems.net/NovelLaunchMethod/index.html

Novel Launch Method,
Flight Method , Soaring Method, Climbing Method,
Energy Production, and  Relaunch Method

  • PgPg
  • Artists are invited to show the implicit variations.
  • Graphics for various combinations
  • Winch (electric, fueled, lifter kite pulling through ring, or other means. 
  • The system may be used with bungee cords stretched and then released.
  • Energy strorage methods (several options). Consider storing energy in the framed of some aircraft. 
Tags: FFAWE, tether-coupled wings, tether-coupled aircraft, lauch to free-flight, launch to hang gliding, launch into paragliding, launch IFOs, balancing apparent wind on the wings involved, no-wind altitude gain, 
At FLPHG group on Dec. 3, 2014:

* Non-commercial use of the hereon disclosed method is open-source without royalty respects; commercial use of NFM is to be negotiated with kPower, Inc.

In one embodiment of NFM: Have two HGs each with a powered winch on board; set out the coupling tether; then for the foot-launching under power (no jets, no propellers), have the winching occur to shorten the coupling tether.   This may be done in no wind or in wind or in cross-wind.  Ready, power up the winch; shorten the tether, run with wing, have total buddy-system paired-coupled wings with pilots kite up leaving nothing on the ground. Be near end of first cycle and decide whether to stay coupled or not by the coupling tether. If decision is to stay coupled, then turn off the winching and let out slack line while soaring-gliding the two wings apart; then consider turning to face each other again for a stepped re-shortening of the coupling tether for another kited climb; then winch to kite together in NFM again.   Or, if separating, then haul the tether to one of the wings; soar off; later, if wanted: Let out the tether, in-air couple by the tether, slack out and separate; and then go a cycle of NFM for another kited climb.  

Another embodiment of NFM is solo by pairing with a parachute as drogue; have long coupling tether to the drogue chute; power up the winch on board the HG and foot-launch facing the coupled parachute. Kite up and decide to release the tether or not; if keeping the tether and chute, then feather the chute and bring the chute and tether onboard of possible use cross country.   Or have a canopy wing as paired coupled drogue; winch and have your HG and the kited canopy wing climb together in the NFM; at altitude decide various secondary courses of flight action, perhaps self-step NFM for climbing.  Mix and match with thermal soaring, if conditions are ripe.

Many sorts of NFM FLPHG records are open to be set.

*License: CC+ 4.x BY NC+ SA for technology by Joe Faust under kPower, Inc. thresholds within Open-AWE Cooperative. As one approaches the commercial-use thresholds, please negotiate with kPower, Inc. for fair required respects.

~ JoeF

Sent to kPower, Inc. and to AWEIA and published same at OzR: on Nov. 29, 2014
Last will in trust:
On Nov 29, 2014, at 6:56 AM, Joe Faust wrote:

[Name1], [Name2], [Name3],
I recommend paper printing attached PDF and saving in "Dad" file
for possible use to approach kPower,Inc. after I pass. 

Ed and Dave, any equitable benefits related to any and all my IP placed into kPower,Inc.
toward me is to go to by children as beneficiaries for such upon my death. They are


Best to all, 
Thank you, kPower, Inc., for filing this relational notice in trust.
~~ Joe Faust
cc: Ed Sapir and Dave Santos of kPower, Inc. 
cc: Rod Read
cc: John Oyebanji, AWEIA
Dave Santos
9:38 AM (2 hours ago)    November 29, 2014
to [Name1], [Name2], [Name3], ed, John, Rod
Dear Joe,
We will remember and honor your wishes. May you have many more years with us, however. Thanks for the great creative work you have done for AWE so far, and going forward.

On behalf of your many friends, warmest regards,

Dave Santos

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