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Alternator, flipper-wing action, lifter kite ... AWE* videos             
by Dave Santos

Latest flipper wing trials are tuning in performance. Stability is non-issue; it is actually the kite-wrecking abundance of power that is the happy problem--kind of like bringing in a gusher.  Each session is a steady advance in generating voltage and current, foreseeing decent efficiency at unbeatable capital-cost, not to mention lowest cut-in windspeed, auto-fly, self relaunch, etc..

Attached latest video, mostly obvious, but the ultra-low rpm alternator "superwinding" with phase graphics shows how John Borsheim (ATEC) is advancing that art.
  • action.avi
  • action2.avi 
  • action3.avi
  •    Lifter and flipper-wing in action at kite test field
  •       Alternator making ...(large photo)
  • Tethered turbine
    An old tethered turbine from the eighties, crushed in storage, Shawn is mistaken about the difficulty of small cheap reliable turbines. Blades are fom a beer can. Brooks saw many of these fly in public. They made music & lit LEDs. No failures. An old tethered turbine from the eighties, crushed in storage, Shawn is mistaken about the difficulty of small cheap reliable turbines. Blades are fom a beer can. Brooks saw many of these fly in public. They made music & lit LEDs. No failures.


*AWE :: Airborne Wind Energy