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Q1:  When did Bill Moyes first see an image of some Rogallo wing? What was the content of that image?  AQ1
Q2:  What are all the kite and aircraft patents in Australia that relate in some way to hang gliders and paragliders prior to June of 1963? AQ2
Q3:  What is a comprehensive image presence of the SkiPlane in newspapers and magazines up to June of 1963? And then the same for up to September of 1964? AQ3
Q4:      AQ4
Q5:      AQ5
Q6:        AQ6
Q7:      AQ7
Q8:      AQ8
Q9:      AQ9
Q10:      AQ10
Q11:      AQ11
Q12:      AQ12
Q13:      AQ13
Q14:      AQ14
Q15:      AQ15
Q16:      AQ16
Q17:      AQ17