WPGA                                         MemberActivitySectorIndex       Send notes: Lift@worldparaglidingassociation.org  
Most recent edit of this page: Thursday, 25 October 2012


Build your own PG?
PG Activity Sector
Yes and no! Depends on ...  Notes are welcome.
PG Unlimited
(soft to hard winged gliding-kite systems) DIY will find followers)

  • Is your design approximately available on the commercial market now?
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  • Are you practicing to become a professional manufacturer?
  • Do you intend to sell what you make to others?
  • Is the making more joy to you than the flying?
  • Will you be testing the system by radio control using non-human ballast?
  • Are you DIY just in hope of saving money? (time and money is very likely to be more than buying one gliding-kite system (paraglider).
  • Is your design unique?
  • (not PG, but:...) Mark Stull, November 17, 2011: "It's a sad day here in San Angelo, Mark Stull died on his first test flight of his new design."
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  • Alexk243,             Nov. 17, 2011
    Consider a 3 ft stick with rings or loops at each end. Then bridle the stick with two equal lines to a bridle meeting point from which you would use as a hang point to a one line to a high tree-branch. Let the stick hang so it hangs true level to earth mean surface. Then bond lines to your existing lines of the canopy-line object that you have. Lay out the canopy; Stuff the canopy cells with wrinkled newspaper until it obtains intended flight shape; run lef-half lines through the left ring of the hung stick; similar for right. Have a cinch-clamp means (hose clamps) to set the line lengths as you also hang the stuffed wing from the tree. Adjust lines until you have a feel that the bridling balanced. Unman test kite the arrangement. Repeat adjustments using the hang method for second trials. Unmanned ballast at bridle point and long-line kite test and release (high-start launch) until you see the gliding-kite behavior you like. Ballast up to 90 kg to success. Then in cold air with no wind and no thermic action, let the skateboard ground kite the wing down an inclined street. Take your picture. Then mail the object to me after you are done.

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