Our field is so novel that only a few thousand informed "insiders"
are aware of the exciting potential.

Links to videos:       Send video URL to Editor@UpperWindpower.com

See top of page for link to further videos in this list.
  1. lifter for twin bottle tornado setup  by Rod Read   3Feb2014    0:14
  2. single cell twin lift unit inside belay circle  by Rod Read   4Feb2014   0:20
  3. Lifting kite array with weathercocking  by Rod Read   4Feb2014      2:13  DiscussHere
  4. valley top plane lift kite array  by Rod Read  7Feb2014      1:29
  5. trolley mount for arch kites  by Rod Read,  12Feb2014    1:03    DiscussHere
  6. Superturbines in a Mothra  by Rod Read  12Feb2014  0:34  SuperturbineŽ   DiscussHere
  7. more Superturbine stacking alignment  by Rod Read  15Feb2014    0:27
  8. too small this way and not facing flow  by Rod Read  15Feb2014     0:15
  9. first unit part of bay array  by Rod Read  19Feb2014     0:26      DiscussHere
  10. bottom line linking and unit hexmexh top connection added   by Rod Read  19Feb2014   0:30
  11. Tidepipe needing bias cut implemented  by Rod Read  20Feb2014     DiscussHere
  12. finger sock spinner  by Rod Read  21Feb2014      0:27    DiscussHere
  13. Tide Tube Generation  by Rod Read 21Feb2014   2:12
  14. Tide Tube 2  by Rod Read  21Feb2014     1:25
  15. Viral tide and wind power by Rod Read    24Feb2014   1:13     DiscussHere
  16. pipe spinning array  by Rod Read 25Feb 2014    3:21    DiscussHere
  17. kPower Pilot Station  by kPower  24Feb2014     1:14    DiscussHere   Content date:  Nov 2013
  18. http://skywindpower.com/media.htm?_p=Y#helper_WWO_media_1_0   Several videos: Sky WindPower
  19. airborne virus generation by Rod Read,  1:33    Published Mar 2, 2014.   DiscussHere
    (requested lifter-and-pipes-set drawing)
  20. clamshell airborne wind energy by Rod Read 3Mar2014  2:06   DiscussHere
  21. gas guzzling clam shell   5Mar2014    1:07
  22. clamshell gas spinning simplified   by Rod Read 5Mar2014    1:19
  23. dual pull side sweep driver   by Rod Read 5Mar2014   0:59   DiscussHere
  24. stack wobble  by Rod Read   12Mar2014     2: 15     DiscussHere
  25. clearer stack swiping by Rod Read  12Mar2014     1:58
  26. arch kites stack control and generation  by Rod Read  13Mar2014    3:07       DiscussHere
  27. TU Delft Kite Landing and Launch Test      TU Delft team.  Day was in circa July 1 of 2013.
  28. Product Preview Reel-bar RX Kite-sailing System by Dan Tracy   23May2013   0:25
  29. sweepy  by Rod Read  13Mar2014     0:26
  30. stack dynamics by Rod Read 13Mar2014       2:30
  31. Phased tether tugging line lengths by Rod Read  17Mar2014    2:18  DiscussHere
  32. slacknees rules in a constant length tugger by Rod Read  17Mar2014    1:19   DiscussHere
  33. Looping Wing Under Pilot Kite   progress.  ~ kPower     19Mar2014
  34. Simple picavet kite rig demonstration of how to by Rod Read  19Mar2014    3:05
         See also: Gopro Hero3 KAP rig demo     And: http://www.kapshop.com/
  35. Makani Airborne Wind Turbine   [compilation from various flights in 2013)  25Mar2014  1:28
  36. Introducing the Altaeros BAT: The Next Generation of Wind Power   20March2014   2:19
  37. High Speed Load Motion by kPower    27March2014  0:33      DiscussHere     and Here
  38. K2 Kitefoiler in San Francisco Bay, 2013 26March2013  2:25 project.kiteboat   DiscussHere
    See other clips: http://project.kiteboat.com/category/clips/
  39. See and discuss: AirborneWindEnergy/conversations/messages/12427 EMPA
  40. looping foil, pumping air  AirborneWindEnergy/12578   April, 2014. kPower
  41. Reciprocal Water pump for Doug by Rod Read. April 21, 2014.    DiscussAndSeeHere.
  42. Continual kite pumping for Doug 2    DiscussAndSeeHere.
  43. Festo - DualWingGenerator (English)    March 31, 2014
  44. MFV and OKE set:
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  45. Reciprocal Water pump for Doug    21April2014     2:44
  46. Continual kite pumping for Doug 2   21April2014     2:06
  47. leaf furling tornado by Rod Read.  29April2014.      2:15      Discuss
  48. lifter balloon with hydrogen generator   by Rod Read, 6May2014    2:04
  49. turret spinner and lifter set by Rod Read, 8May2014   3:41    Discuss
  50. turret simplified by Rod Read, 8May2014    1:03    Discuss
  51. AirborneWindEnergy/12819     CNN gives some focus on AWE
  52. Mini-Mothra lifts Jumbo KiteSat     May 2014.  AirborneWindEnergy12868 Demonstration of Jumbo KiteSat flown under Mini-Mothra at the Texas AWE Encampment.   CC 3.0 by kPower
  53. AirborneWindEnergy12873  Empa Channel video. 
  54. Published on Mar 29, 2014  AirborneWindEnergy12874   14:08  ElectDiscussHerericity from kites - FUTUREMAG - ARTE
  55. Preliminary takeoff tests     video  0:41  published Nov. 19, 2013
  56. Alula Energy measurement & analysis  video  1:04  Nov. 19, 2013
  57. prototyping again  by Rod Read.  May 21, 2014.    2:54   DiscussHere
  58. Nearly ready to take out by Rod Read. June 18, 2014.    1:46   
  59. Tweaking  by Rod Read.   June 20, 2014.      0:46
  60. Compact fold away  by Rod Read. June 20, 2014       0:12
  61. Earlier test  by Rod Read.  June 20, 2014.      1:26
  62. Airborne soft rotor drives against a brake  by Rod Read. June 19, 2014.   0:39 
  63. looping chaos  by kPower. June 21, 2014.     0:44     
  64. Peak Waterlaunch     0:55      DiscussHere
  65. Kite powered camping  by Rod Read. June 22, 2014.     0:43
  66. Sunset test start  by Road Read.  June 23, 2014. 
  67. wind turbine with no tower by Rod Read.  July 5, 2014.     Time duration
  68. Stabilising a lifter kite http://youtu.be/IH30Lkihrtc     by Rod Read
    Discuss: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/AirborneWindEnergy/conversations/messages/13092 
  69. ring kite modification proposals http://youtu.be/7wncBJpuSZE by Rod Read
  70. modification proposals explanation 1  http://youtu.be/AUglQwBRyCo  by Rod Read
  71. Kite Energy Technology by Connaught Energy.    Art.
  72. tidal estuary ring generators  by Rod Read.  Sep 1, 2014
  73.  Kite power systems in automatic operation  Roland Schmehl. 3Sep2014     3:35
  74. The importance of bearings in Daisy Generators  by Rod Read.  5Sept2014    4:35
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