

Special note:
The mechanical history of the laddermill mechanics would have the full story of Doug Selsam's 1970's notarized matters.


LadderMill   terms  (not yet comprehensive)
  • drag
  • destabilizing
  • tail fin
  • point of attachment
  • laddermill
  • pumping mill of single tether
  • ratio of produced power to installed kite-system AWE power
  • lifting bodies ....wings, balloons, kytoons, kites, flying sails, LTA blimps,
  • conventional windmills
  • ASSET  AeroSpace Sustainable Engineering and Technology of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of Delft University of Technology
  • Notice that on the first concept of the ASSET laddermill, the ascending kites are vulnerable to the shadow of the descending kites; guiding the the descending kites to the side would tend to reduce the shadow effect. I did not see this matter discussed in an early article.
  • gravity forces on parts of AWES
  • AWES   airborne wind energy system
  • wind profile
  • KiteLab had two sections: 1. Monitoring and preparation
  • 2. Flight test section
  • auxiliary launch towers
  • safe altitude
  • wind vane
  • slack
  • symmetric flight
  • beach testing
  • active control
  • type of wing
  • pitch control
  • ailerons
  • rudder
  • elevator
  • crosswind motions
  • mass of tether
  • tether mass
  • ground station
  • high L/D
  • aerodynamic efficiency
  • What is behind their statement: "Only at altitude the wing becomes less stagle. At low altitude the longitutdinal motion of the wing approimates a pitching rotation about the point of attachment of the wing to the main tether. The horizontal stabilizer counters this rotation. As altitude increases, so does the force the teher exerts onthe wing. This increase has a destabilizing effect."   WHAT IF each wing is set with its own kite line off a main kite line???
  • divergence
  • escalating oscillation
  • continuous divergence
  • KitEye project (target: altitude record of single kite on single tether)
  • Eperan-PP foam with glass- and carbon fiber reinforcements and has awing span of 3 m, a wing surface of 0.75 m2 and a weight of 880 grams.
  • unstable motions
  • unstable reversed pendulum motion,
  • slight dutch roll instability.
  • pilot kite
  • In the test kite:  Furthermore, the use of carbon
    fiber as a reinforcement material has been proven
    unsatisfactory due to the fact that carbon-fiber
    composite is quite brittle and will fail under
    sudden shock loads.
  • Later versions of this kite will be larger and will
    consist of fabric and inflatable envelopes
    providing sufficient rigidity. To predict the
    behaviour of such a flexible structure, a theory is
    being devised. This theory will be based on
    fluid-structure interaction coupled with a
    numerical approach to flight stability; much like
    was done in the simulation program outlined in
    section 4.
  • control authority in yaw
  • control authority in pitch
  • inherently stable wings
  • longitudinally stable
  • course corrections
  • yaw-control input
  • Roll control is a degree of freedom which tethered wings do not have due to the bridle lines attached to the wings.
  • Article imprint creation date 11/4/2004 ...not sure of the month of 11 or of 4
  • advantages and disadvantages in each of the two methods



8. References

[1] Ockels, W.J., 2001, "Laddermill, a novel concept to exploit the energy in the airspace", Aircraft design 4 (2001), pp 81-97.

[2] Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute.

[3] EWEA, 2003, "Wind energy – The facts".

[4] Dutch Ministry of economic affairs, 2001, "Bestuursovereenkomst Landelijke Ontwikkeling  Windenergie (Blow)", accessible at

, accessed 3-11-2004.

[5] Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek), 2003, "Duurzame energie in Nederland", http://www.cbs.nl/nl/publicaties/publicaties/bedri 
, accessed 3-11-2004.

[6] Kan, J. van, 2000, Numerice wiskunde voor technici, Universiteitspers.

[7] Loyd, M.L., 1980, "Crosswind Kite Power", Journal of Energy, vol. 4, No. 3, pp 106-111.

[8] Bryant L.W., Brown W.S., Sweeting, N.E., Collected researches on the stability of kites and towed gliders, Aeronautical Research Council R&M 2303.



Misc. study notes:

Lake kite generator

Mobile kite generator

http://www.win.tue.nl/casa/meetings/special/ecmi08/pumping-kite.pdf  Mathematical Modeling of the Pumping Kite Wind Generator:
Optimization of the Power Output 
October 31, 2008

Team Leader: Joachim Krenciszek

TU Kaiserslautern, Germany

Saheed Ojo Akindeinde

TU Kaiserslautern, Germany

Hans Braun

TU Kaiserslautern, Germany

Clement Marcel

University of Joseph Fourier, France

Eric Okyere

Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Instructor: Dr. Ivan Argatov

Tampere University of Technology, Finland




Prof. Diehl


[1] I. Argatov, P. Rautakorpi, R. Silvennoinen, Estimation of the mechanical energy output

of the kite wind generator, Submitted to Renewable Energy.

[2] A. Bolonkin, Utilization of Wind Energy at High Altitude, AIAA Paper 2004-5705, Aug.

2004. P. 1{13.

[3] P. Williams, Optimal wind power extraction with a tethered kite, AIAA guidance, navi-

gation and control conference and exhibit. Keystone, Colorado, 21-24 (2006).

[4] M. Canale, L. Fagiano, M. Ippolito, M. Milanese, Control of tethered airfoils for a new

class of wind energy generator, 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2006, San

Diego, USA, 2005. P. 4020{4026.

[5] M. Diehl, 1st International Workshop on Modelling and Optimization of Power Generat-

ing Kites, KITE-OPT 07. Power Point Presentation, Optimization in Engineering Center

(OPTEC), 2007.

[6] D. D. Lang, Using kites to generate electricity: plodding, low tech approach wins, Drachen

Foundation J. Issue 16 (2004) 14{15.

[7] B. Houska, M. Diehl Optimal control of towing kites. In: Proceedings of the 45th IEEE

Conference on Decision & Control, San Diego, USA, 13{15 December 2006.

[8] B. Lansdorp, P. Williams, The Laddermill Innovative Wind Energy from High Altitudes in Holland and Australia, GLOBAL WINDPOWER 06 Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 2006. P. 1{14}.

[9] M. L. Loyd, Crosswind kite power, J. Energy, 4, (1980) 106{111.

[10] B. W. Roberts, D. H. Shepard, K. Caldeira, M. E. Cannon, D. G. Eccles, A. J. Grenier,

J. F. Freidin, Harnessing High-Altitude Wind Power, IEEE Transaction on Energy Con-version, 2007, 22, No. 1. P. 136{144.

[11] H. G. Carpenter, Tethered Aircraft System for Gathering Energy from Wind, US Patent

No. US 6,254,034, Jul. 2001.

[12] Chen, Wai-Fah, Handbook of Structural Engineering. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1997.

[13] G. D. Ranger, Axial-Mode Linear Wind-Turbine, US Patent No. US 6,523,781 B2, Feb. 2003.

[14] J. V. Mizzi, Renewable Energy System Using Long-Stroke Open-Channel Reciprocating Engines, US Patent No. US 6,555,931 B2, Apr. 2003.

  1. PS]

    Kite Power Notes by David JC MacKay www.withouthotair.com  December ...

    The plane would work rather like a very large single-bladed. helicopter, but without the helicopter. Bibliography. Loyd, M. L. (1980). Crosswind kite power. ...
    www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/sustainable/book/tex/Kite.ps - Similar pages


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  • Numerical and Experimental Results of the Airflow in the
    Delft University KiteLab

    Jeroen Breukels1 and Prof. Dr. Wubbo J. Ockels2
    [Abstract] This paper presents the results of wind measurements taken in the ASSET
    KiteLab. KiteLab is a test facility on the roof of the faculty building where experimental
    kites can be flown and tested. It is a controlled environment where sensors and cameras
    collect data during flight test operations. The wind data has been analyzed and together with
    telltale tufts it has been used to validate a numerical model for the flow over the roof of the
    faculty building. This model was then used to study the flow in the KiteLab and identify a
    suitable test region in which kite tests can be conducted. What makes such a region suitable
    is a low wind path angle, allowing the kite to fly at an angle of attack which is close to its
    pitch angle.
  • The Laddermill: work in progress
    Submitted to: European Wind Energy Conference, London, 2004   Delft University of Technology
  • Laddermill-sailing,
    Ship propulsion by wind energy independent from the wind direction!