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Freedom of Tether Angle & Kite

This kite method allows the creation of self-lifting string latticework that accepts wind from any direction without needing to rotate.

Kite stacks, trains, and arches team multiple kites on common lines. Typically the kite designs will only work in a specific tether orientation, so a kite for a train does not work in an arch. A tri-swivel and short leader along the tether allows a limited freedom for the tether and kite to orient in any direction; in some directions the kite interferes by briefly hanging up.

The common Flat Kite is a sparred wing that can be set on a tether through its center of pressure, without a bridle. Thus its free to orient to the wind in almost every direction independent of the tether's angle. The key is for the junction of kite and tether to act as a balanced gimbal or ball joint. The common method of simply tying across the kite's central spar is often not quite free enough. KiteLab has confirmed that a well rigged Flat Kite does indeed orient and lift properly and reliably as the tether angle varies in almost all directions.

This is basically a realization of Dave Culp's "Flying Rope" idea. A nice instance of this trick is a self-lifting string tripod from three fixed anchors, with many potential uses.

CoolIP                       ~Dave Santos             Dec 17, 2010        M2733

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