Saraceno's Aerocene

also: Tomás Saraceno  
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Saraceno's Aerocene
Nov 7, 2019         Dave Santos

Longtime readers will be familiar with starchitect Tomas Saraceno's compelling visions and memes in AWE and Aerotecture. He has collaborated with TUDelft, and even briefly dabbled in Mothra studies, and has hit on a very cool linguistic coinage, "Aerocene", to suggest a new age of human sky colonization, aka "living-in-the-sky". We can also take Aerocene a bit formally to mean a longer evolutionary history of advanced biological flight, as "-cene" means ~recent~ in geological time.

Anyway, here's Saraceno's current quasi-movement around the idea of drifting solar balloons, somewhat after Bucky Fuller's famous floating city concept, with echoes of Panamarenko whimsey, and some actual aero-hacking, if still scant practicality-