Delivery by Kite
Deliver goods, people, plants, animals, machines, and things by use of kite systems.
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Oct. 20 , 2019               Dave Santos

Re: Delivery by Kite

An AWE powered kite-elevator (or rail-gun catapult, without excess G-shock) could loft packages high into the air, where reusable soft wings with tiny control-pods pop out and guide payloads to destinations. An entire city could be served by one rail gun station. Medical and humanitarian supplies could be delivered over a disaster zone. Unloaded delivery platforms could "drone" themselves back to station. In the past we have explored kite-based pick-and-place delivery like a vast tether-based sky-crane. Endless possibilities, but we have to guard against weaponizations.
October 19, 2029              Joe Faust

Re: Delivery by Kite  

Or forum posts already has exposed many facets of delivering items and living creatures to specified destinations from described locations. Yet much in such application may be discussed, studied, tried, specified, and compared to other delivery options.