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May 22, 2020, post by Dave Santos
AWEC2020Teleconference: AWES-AI Track

KiteLabs and kPower has explored the  AWES AI topic since 2007. Starting at KiteShip, I began a predicate calculus kite knowledge base to reason over, a pioneering AWES AI architectural foundation that remains sound. Since then, kPower has developed a Quantum-Computing Analogue theory of classic kite autonomy and extended it to Quantum Metamaterial concepts for AWE (Smart Kitematter). 

JoeF can confirm that these ideas are currently advancing within an elite academic circle, as hinted in our Physics World piece. In Austin, our quantum computing meetup group logs onto IBM's historic first server to do calculations. I use these opportunities to inform and inspire AWE's AI adoption far into the future. A metamaterial kite formation may embody its own flight-solution computation, and pending experiments are expected to validate theory. This is hot stuff. "Wayne's World", if you will.

May 22, 2020, post by Joe Faust
Roderick Read notes in his paper:

"Parametric designs can be automatically evaluated, restructured and optimized with evolutionary iterations of Artificial Intelligence (AI) software. An AI system can evaluate large numbers of combinations of the parameters governing a network kite to derive AWES optimization models, which will otherwise take years to derive experimentally."