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 Member-sent notices
2009 February

26Feb2009 Update report from KiteLab  with exciting video.
26Feb2009 This has been added to Using Superkites
24Feb2009 Revisiting Flying Windmills   by Harry Valentine
23Feb2009 2006 Kite Sailing Symposium Podcasts
23Feb2009 Makani promising disclosure soon on

[Feb. 18, 2009]  Am in South Texas (Padre Island) with a much improved work-cell (100 times (!) more power with self-tuning "Egyptian Bow-Drill" mech v. lever arm hitting limits) turning at a blur. Best video ever coming.

Will post updates as available.   DaveS
20Feb2009    by Harry Valentine    by Harry Valentine
15Feb2009 Combining Parallel SuperKites with Winches and Cranks by Harry Valentine
14Feb2009 February 2009 images, vids   by Dave Santos
6Feb2009 Using superkites and winches to generate electric power by Harry Valentine
5Feb2009 Small Wind    Many documents and notes.
5Feb2009 Four-line superkites and kite power by Harry Valentine
3Feb2009 Welcome Ronald Stearman
4 Feb 2009 Sustainable Energy --- without the hot air      [Book  Does the book mention kite energy? The index section of the book did not have the word "kite" or "kites."  We will not hold this against the author. The book has many positive aspects to it.]
2Feb2009 Wildlife and Windmill    Windmills and Impact on Wildlife   [Wildlife and energy kite systems?]
